whispers from the walls...my little fire bird!

...Isabel sat in the corner deep in thought, her head down concentrating on the french toast and coffee she had ordered, it was getting cold and didn't taste as great now! Every few minutes she would look up at me on the wall. "Hey, my little Fire Bird, help me figure out what to do?"she whispered to me. I saw her every few days, she came in quite often with her boyfriend,but not today! Today was decision day, today was the day when she would decide whether their two year relationship was going to continue. It had become boring and stale and it seemed they were going nowhere fast. She was also remembering how good it had been at the start, how much in love they were. Was it too late to repair the damage, would she miss him if he was gone, would she ever meet someone else?. What if he did?, would she be jealous and want him back? So many questions to wonder about, "What would you do, little Fire Bird?" she pleaded in a whisper. But I just stared back and knew she would make the right decision and the next time she came to sit with me she would smile up at me instead...
My Little Fire Bird, a new painting on canvas by Shae, the Butterfly Collector . A fun little piece using acrylics and vintage buttons.
I love it when I find a new online art gallery and get to look through other artists amazing creations! It's so inspiring and interesting to see how others work and why they come up with their creations and what inspires them. Today I came across Audrey Kawasaki's blog , her amazing paintings and illustrations are almost otherwordly, you must visit! I found her through AshleyG's blog. ( more great art in here!). Ashley posted a link to another great blog called we heart prints filled with art prints that can be bought on the net! And last but not least is
Martine Emdur's Gallery, she's a Sydney artist who loves to paint water and underwater swimmers, magical!!!
Found your blog through this image at Flickr. It's always great to stumble across another Australian blog. The painting/collage is really lovely. Nice to meet you! =)
what gorgeous links - thanks! Audreys work is amazing isnt it
i love your painting too!
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