A confession from the dressing table...Aqua addiction

...She searched us all out one by one,with a keen eye at first, but then it became unconscious,subconscious, a ritual, an obsession. Secondhand stores, Antique stores, Thrift stores, Gift stores, any store, she would spy us out of the corner of her eye and gravitate immediately towards us. Then she would reach for us, examine us and if we were wonderful ,if we were just right,then she would justify us in her head no matter the cost and take us to the counter to make us hers. Now we all sit together and live on her dressing table, mostly in harmony, sometimes a squabble erupts if one of us is favored more over another, but we are family now and we think we look quite good together, don't you?...
some of my beautiful Aqua things from the personal collection of the Butterfly Collector
Quite some years ago now, when I was still a teenager in fact, my father gave me a beautiful antique bracelet for one of my birthday's. It was a very elaborate and had a large round turquoise stone as it's centerpiece with coral beads surrounding it! I loved it, I still have it,( it is now a necklace though, I will blog about it one day with a picture). It started off an obsession with finding beautiful old things and a serious love of Aqua. Our house is virtually a shrine to the colour, we live near the water (and some beautiful turquoise seas too) and it has a very eclectic beachy feel with some shabby chic French country thrown in! We love it ! My friends and family also know of my addiction and every time Christmas and my birthday rolls around I receive lovely new Aqua things to add to my collection! I create art with this colour constantly for our home and have some of my favourite artists paintings in aqua too! I have gone off track a little recently though and just made myself a studio/office for my new business which is starting to be taken over by fushia pink stationary, folders, storage boxes and all kids of lovely office products, oh no another colour is infiltrating the house, help!!!! What colour are you addicted to?
I think I like just about every color...it always takes me aback when someone asks me to pick A favorite. AND if I do tend to be drawn towards a color, it just seems to be temporary until some new one starts to draw the eye. Right now I seem to like sagey greens and buttery yellows...but, those aquas sure look pretty....
Hi Shae, I just love aqua too, it is such a calming, soothing colour. Thanks for dropping by my site and saying hello.
this colour is lovely!!! what a beautiful collection of things - u have great style!
The pieces in the picture are beautiful..i think pink and aqua go quite well together ;) And I like the notebooks from Squiggle!!
I like the little leaf dish everything is sitting on.
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