china cabinet tales...roses are pink, tea cups are pretty!

...It's nearly time for me to get cosy and warm, I've been sitting out on the cold counter all morning on a little doily that my owner Marji made me. The transistor radio is on and I've been listening to a new band called the Beatles, they have quite catchy tunes. I can hear the kettle boiling on the old enamel stove top it's whistling very merrily, it won't be long now! Marji walks past in her black rimmed spectacles and her beehive hairdo and pale blue twin set, she is busy in the kitchen preparing for her grandchildren to call for afternoon tea. The green linoleum squeaks as she rushes back and forth to the table, placing delicious cookies and cakes down beside me, I hope I get dipped into so I can taste one! She rushes past me to answer the ringing door bell...
pretty rose tea cup from the personal collection of the butterfly collector. A beautiful gift handed down to me, a treasure to use forever.
Today has been highlighted with some fabulous fruit and afternoon tea of course! First their was homemade marmalade on crumpets, then lemon delicious pudding , it was great , a mouth watering pear I shared with my little one, a fashion visit to high tea with Mrs Woo and then art inspiration from Miss Emily over at the Black Apple ( if you haven't visited her yet, it's a must! )
What do you have for afternoon tea?
Ohhh nothing like a good cup of tea!! life's simple luxuries!
love that link 'Hig Tea with Mrs Woo'
look at Lulu's 'An invitation to Tea' illo - stunning!
hihihi this is very charming
"I hope I get dipped into so I can taste one!"
now I will dip my teacakes in my tea!!!
^^ (I'm not BritisH but I have tea-breaks here in the exotic and humid sh0res of the PhiLippiNes *0* )
very special - i started collecting small teacup and saucer sets!
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