a tale from the nest...golden ring

...I found this precious ring on the forest floor amongst the leaves and sticks, I saw the pretty girl who dropped it, I flapped my little wings as fast as I could, but she was running so fast I couldn't keep up. She had a lovely face, as white as snow, lips as red as blood, rosy cheeks and ebony coloured hair. I was scared for her, she looked as though she was running for her life! So I've put her beautiful jewel in my nest for safe keeping. Maybe one day she'll come back this way and I will be able to meet her and give it back to her...
Golden Pearl Costume Ring from the personal collection of the butterfly collector. An heirloom passed down to me by my Grandma.
I've been reading lots of childrens stories lately to my son and rediscovering some classic fairytales too! I love spending time in bookstores, especially in the children's section (I've always bought kids books and have a great collection, but now I have an real excuse to buy them ).A few years ago I did a fantastic course in kids book illustration too and it was fascinating to learn how much detail goes into a simple published story! There are some fantastic authors and illustrators at the moment creating the most fabulous stories.These are some we have discovered lately... charlie and lola, what the sky knows, the ravenous beast, yummy yucky and the stinky cheese man!
I find your st0ries so deLightfuL and enchanTing, you are a rare and bEautifuL souL. ^^
"Story-telling creates meaning without the error of defining it."
-Hannah Arendt
The ring is beautiful.
Sounds interesting - a course in illustrating. Did you finish any books?
your blog is very cute! I love those shoes...
How pretty!!! gorgeous ring!
I love love love Charlie & Lola! so very cute!!
where did u do your course? Im trying to find one in Sydney but can only find 2yr full time ones bummer!
thanks girls for your wonderful comments! I did a three day short course at the Council of Adult Education (CAE)in Melbourne!It was great!!!Maybe there is one in Sydney too? No books finished yet, but a lot of good ideas and paintings came from it!
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