a fable from my writing desk...madame butterfly's gift cards

...we're all ready to fly away to our new homes. They might be far away, they might be so close to home! We can't wait to find out whose lap we will land in and with a flutter of surprise they will open the present we are attached to inside! We come with messages of thanks and love and joy and we hope we will be kept and treasured for a long time to come...
butterfly gift cards from the madame butterfly gallery.
made and designed by the butterfly collector.
I had a lot of fun making these cards, things have been quite crazy around here getting ready to launch the Madame Butterfly website. It won't be long now I hope and I also hope lots of wonderful souls like you come to visit and enjoy it too! Every spare minute I have around my little one has been spent getting everything ready for this venture, an online boutique filled with jewellery, art, gifts, decor and treasures. We have included lots of fun pages to read too, like a magazine! You can read your fortune, make or bake something special, get the latest fashion and shopping tips plus lots more! Can't wait til' it's go live day!!!, will let you all know! I'll be nervous, excited and everything else in between! It's always been my dream to open my own store ( I've been working in retail and merchandising for others since I left uni), up until six months ago I never would have believed it would be in cyberspace! This way has been a blessing as it means I get to spend more time at home with my bub instead of sending him off to childcare for the day! Wish me luck!
OOooohhhh. It's sounding a bit exciting!!! Can't wait to see it. When is D-day?
very exciting - looking forward to it!! Id love to open an online store oneday....love the gift cards!
d day is not set in stone yet, but will be in the next couple of weeks, once I learn how the site works and get all our gorgeous product photos loaded!!!!!!
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