Whispers from the nursery wall ... Three owl's !!!

...They flew in from the dark overgrown forest and landed quietly in nearby trees. The moon was shining silver and full in the pitch black sky. "Whoooo, Whoooo", each one in turn let all the creatures in the clearing know the wise ones had arrived. Tonight's meeting would be a celebration that a newborn had arrived, the chosen one they had been waiting for for 100 years. She would be their leader, the one they would call Queen,the one with the crescent moon shape birthmark on her neck, the one who would save them all had began her life and would finally fulfill the prophecy and bring peace to the forest at last...
Owl Memory Board, by Shae, the Butterfly Collector.
Today we had a wonderful afternoon celebrating the coming birth of my niece or nephew! My sister only has four weeks of her pregnancy to go and then my bub will have a wonderful new cousin to play with! Today's baby shower was lots of fun, a traditional Afternoon Tea with teapots, an array of beautiful Vintage tea cups and lots of yummy cake, cupcakes, cookies,pink champayne and old English roses to decorate the table! She got some fantastic presents too. Mine is above, My husband and I made a memory board for the nursery. The idea is to hang it on the wall and slide notes, cards etc under the braiding like a noticeboard. We also added handmade felt OWLS with pegs on their backs to hold things and brightly coloured doorknobs to hang things from and vintage buttons from my Grandma's collection around the outside!!! They have created the most wonderful nursery for the baby with a forest theme, take a look inside!!!
Hi Shae
Gorgeous memory board. I have a thing for owl's. And I saw your sister's nursery on Flick-r last week, without knowing she was your sister. How funny is that! And thanks for the birthday swirly wishes. We don't eat mashed potato at our house, we eat cloud fluff.
what a gorgeous board!! so sweet and the owls are too cute!
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