Whispers from the walls... Torn magnolia

...Everyday he would leave something on her doorstep and in the sunshine he would wait for her in the treetops and watch as she stepped outside, all ready to go on her way to work or on her errands or to visit her friends. And each day Alyssa would bend down and pick up the precious object and look all around her to see where it had come from.He would whistle and call to her in a lovely bird song and he would always wonder if she would ever realize it was him bestowing all the presents on her. He brought her some pretty things, buttons, ribbons and leaves. Sometimes stamps,jewels, candy wrappers ,scribbled letters, notes and even pink paper with fluffy clouds. She had treasured it all, kept it in a little pale blue worn wooden box and took it out to admire the little collection often. Her favorite was a piece torn spring magnolia painting and she hoped to one day meet her secret admirer...
torn magnolia, a painting by Shae, the butterfly collector
I have a lot of fun making collage scrapbooks with things that I find, beautiful papers and pictures from magazines. I love to collect things that inspire me and then arrange them on pages so they compliment each other and become a little mood board to help me create new paintings and sketches. They are also becoming a diary of my life because I like to include brochures, postcards and tickets from places I've visited, movie tickets, invitations, special cards and also letters from friends. I have found some wonderful collage artists online and often admire their work including Chrysti, Hope and Marieke. They always amaze me with the creations they come up with and the whimsical things they use in their Art. There's even a Collage Museum too, make sure you take a tour through it's halls! And happy birthday my friend Alyssa!!!
thanks for stopping by brown bread and butter blog.
have posted this one from another blog.
love your ahndy business.
Wow a collage museum! awesome!
I love cutting out pictures from mags that tickle my fancy and that I hope to reuse one day....Im a paper addict!!
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