whispers from the walls...baking day!

...she loved her early morning sunday walks into the village. Along the water, through the park with all the lovely flowers. Dressed in her red tights and black shiny headband she wandered happily along carrying the little checked shopping basket. She would stop at the little gift store's window and stare in wonder and delight at all the goodies inside. A wave and a smile to her neighbour walking his dog on the other side of the road and then a skip into the newsagent to find the latest wonderful magazine that she would read with her afternoon tea that day. Crossing the road and collecting some pears and apples from the grumpy grocer (she would smile at him every time she visited to try and cheer him up, sometimes it worked!) and then a step up to the old bakery window, full of delectable, delicious and sugary delights. What a sight to see!, icing sugar, chocolatety treats, cup cakes,round fat warm bread and her favorite to take home, a gingerbread man with coloured chocolate buttons, yum...
baking day, a painting by shae, the butterfly collector.
I really enjoyed painting this one and it's a great treat for me to visit the bakery. We also try to make our own cookies often and have two favorite recipes... honey nougat and almond cookies and chocolate cherry cookies ( will post the recipes soon in the Madame Butterfly Gallery, so everyone can taste how YUM they are!) I've never been very good at cooking when it comes to making real food, my husband is the chef in our family. In fact he thinks I'm totally a domestic comedian in this dept., he loves to laugh at the way I do things in the kitchen and thinks it's wildly hilarious that I have to follow a recipe to the letter and not stray from instructions and improvise like he does ( if I do it will all go wrong for sure!), but I love to bake cakes and cookies, all the things that are naughty to eat and I think I'm quite good at that! And besides he has total domestic blindness when it comes to the rest of the house! And all the Gingerbead Men in the world would agree with me.
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